The 3 bodybuilding mistakes you probably still make

 The 3 bodybuilding mistakes you probably still make

Everyone knows that mistakes or fails are the gold of experience and it gives us opportunities to learn. Unfortunately, not all mistakes are self-defined, and some of them can affect your performance for months or years. I want to describe you my top 3 “hidden” mistakes which I meet north and south and the way we can handle it.

Fit yourself

We all face our models on TV, YouTube, books, competitions, etc. Unless we aware of basic principles we are very likely going to repeat what we see or hear from our “gurus.” Arnold did it! – They say. It could be even worse if you try to match or compete with the “bigger” mates in your local gym. Try not to fall into this trap. You have to train according to what you have. And what you have is your present condition. Please, consider the difference. There’s nothing terrible in watching your favorite athletes but think your goals, your level, age, body and many other aspects. It would prevent you from injuries and overtraining, maintain your energy and motivational level.

Eating more junk food

The thing is – eating more is not bad. You have to make more calories in order to gain. Though, what I see most of the time – people starts to eat a lot of junk food in order to reach the necessary number of calories. Bread, burgers, French fries. Oil, salt, simple carbs in an indefinite quantity. I saw this situation hundreds of times. Bringing a lot of calories, but not giving the proper nutrition to your body. If you want to reach your best results you have to eat a proper food and include meals into your training system with the same respect as training itself. Otherwise, your effort will work against you. Remember that if you exclude, you have to substitute. Be aware of getting enough calories and watch what your nutrition is. Of course, do not forget about hydrating yourself. All these “unrelated things” have a significant impact on each other. Take it seriously, and you will get your serious results.

Getting stuck in the same routine

This one is something most of the people get caught with. And I’m not speaking bodybuilding only. This thing is the scourge of our times, and our mind is the prime suspect.

The reason is that simple. We usually tend to stay in the comfort zone. You may argue that going to the gym is equal to going out of your comfort zone itself. And maybe that is true when you just want to start. As soon as you start, the comfort zone will relocate, and you will end up with the same problem but on a different level. From that point going out of your new comfort zone would be adding new elements to your practice or adding variations to your reps and so on. The idea here is to live in progression. Do not stop asking yourself questions and honestly answer them. Go forward, start your training journal and dig deeper. It is the only pill of success, and do not hesitate to take it. After all, it is one of the most important components to keep you involved in the process.

We have made out three common mistakes which I face all the time. Let me know if you have some of these in your training practice, or in your regular life. Of course, there can be more, and I will be happy if you share with me your experience on the topic. Also check our related articles on nutrition, starting your training journal and bunch of other useful posts below. See you soon.

Raymond F. Williams

Raymond F. Williams